The doctors, including rehabilitation therapists, who provide medical outpatient services to communicate in English. The doctors in this media are all experts in their respective fields. However, this web is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is important to consult a qualified medical expert for any specific health concerns or questions that you may have.本站点入驻医生均为信息核实的各自领域的医学专家,该栏目下医生提供英文交流问诊(部分合作医院入驻国际商保,具体请询)。恒康云梯温馨提示:网络信息不能替代专业医疗建议、诊断或者治疗。若有相关症状请到线下就医,或使用互联网医院在线挂号问诊。